Solar System Teaching Instrument
Mr. Boniphace M.R. is an inventor who has embarked on making a teaching aid kit for outer space bodies and atomic particles known as "Solar System teaching Instrument" in his bid to enable science students get full knowledge about wonders of the world.
The equipment has been very handy in making geography and other science subjects an easy lesson. It is a solar system kit for use as teaching aid in the laboratory.
This equipment enables students to understand different issues like: rotation of the earth, solar system, axis, solar eclipse and tides, also it will enable students to relate theory and practice by merging their prior experiences with the texts and illustrations.
AGT Technologies describe that students from primary school and secondary school from Form One to Six and the ones who pursue science subjects including geography, chemistry and physics are set to benefit from their invention.
With Solar System teaching Instrument various student categories will benefit such as:-
Physics students will be in a position to learn astronomical topics and gravitational force. In Geography, they will benefit from learning solar system while in chemistry they will learn atoms and their variegated functions.
Due to this technology students will learn different issues, including Summer Season, moon eclipse, night-and-day, sources of planetary relations and planets and how they affect atmospheric tensions, stars and astronomy as a whole.
Solar System teaching Instrument has changed theory into practice which enables students to retain permanent knowledge unlike in the past where teachers lacked enough tools to facilitate meaningful learning.